(336) 885-4334

Residential Comfort & Convenience Products



With today’s busy lifestyles, everyone looks for products that provide convenience. Timers are designed with that in mind, providing a convenient and reliable way to control lighting and appliances at home or work, while saving time, energy and money.

Ventilation Products

Ventilation Products

Ventilation products to eliminate odor, humidity and other air-borne pollutants that affect indoor air quality without calling attention to itself when it’s working. The quietest products in the industry. The most stylish options for your home.

Generators – Automatic Standby Power

Generators – Automatic Standby Power

An automatic standby generator works by monitoring utility voltage 24/7.  If your power goes out, your generator goes on – automatically.  It’s really that simple.  Never feel powerless again.

Gard-N-Post Kits

Gard-N-Post Kits

Arlington’s Gard-N-Posts™ are the attractive, safe and easy way to install light fixtures and devices outdoors!

Floor Boxes

Floor Boxes

Power where you need it.  Floor boxes come in a variety of types for a variety of floors. 



Audio and video products and solutions tailored specifically to meet your needs. 

Wiring Devices

Wiring Devices

Electrical switches, receptacles, GFCI outlets, USB chargers, and more.